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Coronavirus (Covid-19) and “Good Cleaning Practices”

As Coronavirus is set to spread around Europe and indeed the world it is paramount that good cleaning practices are being followed.

The Government, WHO and Healthcare Professionals recommend that good hygiene practices are to be adhered to and specifically state that one of the most effective ways of reducing the risk of transmission is good hand hygiene with soap and water.

Good hand hygiene practice and increased frequency of washing can be undermined if a similar approach to decontamination of frequently touched surfaces is not undertaken. The Covid-19 is an enveloped virus which is characterised with a fatty outer layer. This layer is susceptible to a detergent and exposure to steam vapour which will emulsify the layer and eradicate the virus. Deep Cleaning using dry steam vapour has the advantage of penetration of common healthcare surfaces which characteristically have a non-smooth, textured or abraided surface which can harbour dry bio-film and soil. Steam vapour deep cleaning will also reach into surface areas where manual cleaning is inhibited. 

Dry steam has previously been validated by UCLH (University College London Hospital) and TNO in Holland.   The study focused specifically on the efficacy and removal of biofilm and the microbiological decontamination of risk contact surfaces for patient and clinical staff in a hospital environment.
The final results demonstrated that dry steam performed equal or better than standard chemical disinfection practices using detergent and chlorine-based compounds (UCLH/TNO reports available upon request).

 Dry steam can therefore be safely used to deep clean, sanitize and disinfect contaminated surfaces in an efficient and environmentally friendly way.  The OspreyDeepclean technology was recognised in 2009, by the Dept of Health and NHS Supply Chain, with the Award for technology innovation providing the greatest contribution to Healthcare environment cleanliness.


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