Prevent. Protect.
At your request your machine will be serviced annually and where required boilers descaled.

What's Included
One-Off Service
Silver Contract
Gold Contract
Annual machine service
Engineer repairs (excluding accessory repairs)
Full machine inspection (including electrical components)
De-scale boiler
Replace heating device (GB1 & GB Eco only)
Replace all O-rings & seals
Check & clean* level sensor, non-return valve, safety valve
Clean / replace level sensor*
Clean / replace water & detergent filters
Check / replace safety valve*
Check / replace boiler non-return valve*
OspreyDeepclean workshop hose repairs
Check & replace front socket (as required)*
PAT test
Clean vacuum filters (as applicable)
Replace vacuum filters (as required)
Inspect & repair all serviceable components (as required)
Replace all serviceable machine components (as required)
Clean & test machine
** We reserve the right to charge for replacement parts if repair is not possible
Price per Machine
One-Off Service
Silver Contract
Gold Contract
The Small Print
Our maintenance contracts can only be taken out at the time of purchase.
Subject to our discretion, following an OspreyDeepclean engineer inspection - chargeable at the current hourly labour rate - contracts can be taken out after purchase.
The Gold Service Contract provides cover for hose repairs only and not replacements.
We are unable to provide repairs under the Silver Contract for hoses and/or accessories.
If there is evidence to suggest misuse of equipment or that an untrained operator has been allowed to use the equipment, the contracts become void and any repairs that result from the misuse will be chargeable to the customer. In these circumstances, the Service Manager will discuss the matter before repairing.
Any damage caused to hoses due to misuse, which would otherwise be covered by the Gold Contract, hose repairs will be chargeable at our discretion.
Any repairs carried out due to an incorrect or non-OspreyDeepclean approved chemical being used with the machines will be chargeable under the normal call out charge/hourly rate.
Any necessary repairs caused during transit due to insufficient or inadequate packaging as stipulated in our instructions for returning your machine document cannot be covered under the terms of these contracts.
No repairs will be done before the client has been informed and given us approval.
The contracts do not cover the GB1 & GB Eco batteries. If a replacement is required, this will done at the customer's cost.
In the event that the boiler and/or heating element (as applicable) need replacing, the cost of these parts is not included under the terms of the contracts for machines over 3 years old.
Travel costs will be incurred if the machines are not in the location stated or they are not accessible to the engineer on arrival.
If machines are returned to us unclean, they will be returned in the same state.