The Steam & Vac Pro is the ultimate infection control tool combining sanitising dry steam and a vacuum cleaner in one! It might be hard to believe that clean cold tap water is all that is needed to fight infections but. when heated to over 100 degrees Celsius, the water content is reduced to less than 5%. The resulting steam is considered dry. This alternative weapon is ideal in the fight to combat infections and cross contamination's and has been independently and scientifically validated for its bactericidal efficacy!
The integral water filtration system ensures allergens and pathogens are safely removed from surfaces. With no chemicals required, there is no scope for antimicrobial resistance which can be more common with the use of chemicals. Plus the integral vacuum ensures surfaces are left touch dry, sanitised and ready for use.
Accessories Included
- Steam & Vac Pro Hose [A00260]
- Double Lock Extension Tube [A00982] x2
- 30mm Nylon Detail Brush [A00806]
- 60mm Nylon Brush [A00264]
- 300mm Multi Function Floor Tool [A03081]
- Detail Nozzle [A00943]
- Suction Tool [A00078]
- Squeegee Insert for Suction Tool [A00080]
- Brush Insert for Suction Tool [A00079]
- Long Gulper Nozzle [A00075]
- 300mm Brush Insert for Floor Tool [A00267]
- 300mm Squeegee Insert for Floor Tool [A00266]
- 300mm Carpet Insert for Floor Tool [A00939]
- 300mm Double Sided Insert for Floor Tool [A00981]
- Upholstery Spatula [A00826]
- Small Gulper Nozzle [A00945]
- Safety Gloves [A00097]
- Safety Goggles [A00096]
- Trolley [A00238]